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// Treasure Every Moment






This past week at training camp has been a mixture of high and lows.  Challenges were created and new friends were made. Early mornings, cultured food, pretty waterfalls, exercise, backpacking, worship, miracles, and powerful messages are just a few of the things that could sum up my crazy week. All good and exciting things, right?


At the same time I can not but help feel anxious about the unknown ahead!  Self-abandonment and brokenness are beautiful things.  They allow me to solely rely on God.  They allow His power to be perfect in my complete and utter weakness // 2 Corinthians 12:9. I am slowly but surely learning how to break away from the "American Dream" and learn to live a lifestyle of less. Live the life God has planned for me. To pursue the dreams, adventures, and desires God has for me. I will not stop. After all, God has far, far bigger dreams that utterly surpass mine in ways that I can not comprehend. Lets just say that I am so ready to experience this adventure with God – to experience Him in new ways, to feel Him, and to be filled to the brim with His power! The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in me // Romans 8:11.  < – – Uhmm okay, cool with me! 


We are made in His image, simply put – we are made for wonder! In order to find our life, we must lose it! We are meant for so much more. 


So I am here to tell you..treasure every moment. Treasure the hardships, the numbness, the brokenness, the unknown, and the emptiness. As Chris Martin would say, "nobody said it was easy" BUT trials and obstacles make you who you are and they lead you on a journey.   A journey that is way more meaningful and important than you can understand at the moment. Just be patient and let God lead & fulfill you! Take a deep breath. You are just where you need to be. Never underestimate your place in this would be surprised how much change you can bring to the world.


"We show the depth of our brokenness and the degree of our foolishness when we're even tempted to think there's some set of circumstances, some person, some relationship, some paramour, some lover, some change in our world, some sensual experience that can satisfy the restlessness in our hearts. But we're made singularly for you, Jesus: we're designed to be fulfilled and completed only by you. Never let us forget this, and allow us to come more fully alive to an insatiable thirst that you alone can meet. You are the most loving and tender bridegroom who cherishes a most unlikely and ill-deserving bride."      – Scotty Smith


Yours truly,

Andrea Christine Grant


  1. this is beautiful, andrea.
    i have a feeling you might need to remind yourself of some of these things when you get into your journey. it’s going to be amazing! can’t wait to see you again in just a few short weeks!

  2. Thank you!! You are so sweet. Oh, I know!! I couldn’t agree more..I am looking forward to going back and reading these (:

  3. Andrea,
    I cannot tell you how I needed to read this post, and how the Lord used your blog and what you said to speak to me! I was truly touched by what you said to “Treasure Every Moment”….the good and the bad! We sometimes want to treasure only the good, and of course we are human, so who wants to treasure the bad? But in that, we do grow and become much more dependent upon the Lord. I’m not sure how to subscribe to your blog, so if I can’t figure it out, I’ll just keep checking in.
    So happy for you and this journey you have taken. Embrace every detail and moment!
    God bless,
    Lisa Siders

  4. Mrs. Siders,
    I am so, so happy to hear this!! I completely agree. I am glad that you commented on this..allows me to know I am not writing this blog for nothing!! God will use it for His glory πŸ™‚ Thank you, and I will!

  5. Andrea,
    This blog was absolutely beautiful! I just wanted you to know that I really found it to be well written and awesome. I loved that it was so short but so powerful. Way to write girl πŸ™‚

  6. Wow! Thanks Elliot for your sweet and kind words, it truly means the world to me. πŸ™‚

  7. Beautiful, Sweet Andrea! It has been such a blessing to watch you grow and mature so much in your faith over the past year! Jesus has been preparing you for this great adventure and I am so thankful to have been apart of it:-) love you bunches and praying for you tons!

  8. got chills reading this!!! you’re right where you have to be, and i’m so glad God has put His heart in you.
    refreshed πŸ™‚

  9. Andy Christine,
    This blog made my heart SMILE. It also nearly brought me to tears for many reasons. I’m so excited for you and for what God has in store for you. I KID YOU NOT that I think about you everyday since you left and I’m sure it will be that way for the next 9 months. So excited to read your future blog posts and continue being inspired by you! I love you more than words can describe, dear. Counting down the days until you’re home again! (:

  10. Absoultely beautiful and right on! I know Jesus will meet you right where you are. Many prayers for you!

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