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A DAY IN THE LIFE || Honduras

Here is what a typical day looks like!

Wake up :: 5:30 A.M.  (Yes, I have become a morning is winter here aka the sun comes up really early)

Have a cup of honduran coffee..I do not like black coffee but it is good here 🙂 :: 6:30 A.M.

Have a morning thrill! :: 6:50 A.M.

I usually leave around 7 A.M. to go teach at the school but my ministry will be changing next week! Earlier this week we had a day off of school to celebrate teachers..the staff took us to two different villages and on the way there we stopped at a womans house to drink her homemade atole ( it is a hot thick spanish drink made from masa which is a corn flour, water, cane sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon) It was delicious!

View from the woman's property

Here I am at one of the villages

I get back from school around 1:15 P.M.

Hand wash my clothes! Yay! It is actually a fun process but it gets old because it takes an incredibly long time to do it :: 2:00 P.M.

Then hang the clothes to dry!

Around 3:00 P.M. I take a nap in my hammock to try to recover from the day

A teammate and I begin making dinner for the rest of the team.  For the most part everything we make is from scratch! :: 4:30 P.M.

Around dinnner team has feedback with one another. We tell eachother something encouraging that we saw in them that day OR we talk about stuff that bothered us/something someone can improve on. We are VERY honest with each other during this time. Sometimes it hurts/brings conflict but it brings us closer together!

Anderson/some of the boys and I all watch a movie together :: 7:00 P.M. We watched Finding Nemo one night and I put the spanish subtitles on..they loved it 🙂

Bed Time!! We go to bed super earlier because A. We are exhausted/Long days B. It gets dark here really early :: 8:30-9ish P.M.

Jeremiah 33:3 Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about the things to come.

The deepest level of worship is praising God inspite of pain, thanking God during a trial, trusting in Him when tempted and surrendering while suffering and loving Him when He seems distant. – Rich Warren




  1. ahh…I love the photo journal. It is awesome to see what your life is like in Honduras in pictures! I miss you and I am praying for you!

  2. Really, did not know it was possible to look so cute when sleeping in a tent every night:-)
    You are amazing! Jesus is your sustainer! Love verse and quote!

  3. Hi Andrea, This is Kristen’s mom. I thank you, too, for your photos and for giving us a picture from a different perspective. I also love hearing the love in your heart for the Lord and for others. You and your squad are the face and hands and feet of Jesus. God bless your next assignment.

  4. Dear Andrea,
    I love the pictures too. They say “A picture is worth a 1000 words”. We are praying for you. Hopefully we can talk Friday.

  5. Again. I love the picture diary… especially since I’m a visual person. So cool!!

    I’m so jealous of your day (minus the getting up at 5:30AM, but I guess it’s more manageable when you go to bed at the same time as a grandma.


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